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Regardless of your profession, using the time you have for work as efficiently as possible can improve your career progression. Making a productivity plan can help you organize your time. Implementing productivity improvement can be a valuable skill, and learning that helps you meet your goals.

1. Identify potential setbacks

 After noting all essential tasks and sorting them according to importance, you can work on identifying what potential obstacles are most likely to arise when executing them. Knowing the challenges you’re most likely to encounter can help you and your team prepare for them, both logistically and mentally. Developing strategies and solutions to circumvent potential setbacks can also help you save time and complete all goals by the intended deadline.

2. Practice effective time management

Time management refers to effectively planning and dividing your time according to the importance of your outstanding tasks. Once you’ve identified what your most important tasks are and what could delay their completion, you can use the information to organize your time in a way that maximizes the odds of you or your team completing all important tasks on time. Assess your available time, dividing it into time slots, such as weekly, monthly or daily entries, and filling the slots with all due tasks.

3. Execute your plan

Once you allocate appropriate time slots for all your tasks, you can start executing them based on their order and priority. As you do so, make changes as needed and continually assess how well your plan is working. It’s usually important to record data regarding task completion, such as how the plan is helping you or your organization achieve your overall goals and how long it took you to complete them compared to your initial estimation.

4. Reconsider your productivity plan based on acquired data

Once you have enough data regarding how effective your planning is, you can start reevaluating your plan’s direction or strategy based on the data. For example, you may conclude that you want to change a goal or that one of your goals requires more time or team members.

You can also adjust your plan according to new information or market changes. Use these conclusions to improve your productivity plan continuously and repeat this step whenever you have new data.