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Feeling overworked can lead to stress and decrease your motivation at work. Finding a balance between working effectively and having enough time and energy to enjoy life outside of work is important to your long-term success.

Modern technology has made it possible to work outside the office. Whether you are working towards a promotion, have a heavy workload or have a gig-based income, achieving a healthy work-life balance can be difficult when you can continue working at all times.

In this article, we will discuss what work-life balance is, how you can achieve it and how it can benefit your career.

The benefits of work-life balance

Making work-life balance a priority can lead to higher productivity and longer tenure at a single company. Content employees perform work at a higher level, which often means better results for the company. If you find that work-life balance is not prioritized at your organization, you might consider opening up a dialogue with your supervisor about the ways supporting work-life balance can benefit you and their larger team. Longer hours and bigger workloads without a path to balance will likely have the opposite effect on what they’re hoping to achieve.

How to balance work and home

While achieving work-life balance should be achieved in whatever way is best for you, there are several tips for balancing life and work. Achieving a healthy work-life balance requires constant attention. At times you will likely feel pulled one way or another, but working towards prioritizing both work and life outside of work is the goal. Let’s take a closer look at each of these tips and how you can apply them in your own work.